In Support of our Asian and AAPI Communities

In the midst of a rise in Anti-Asian and Anti-AAPI harassment and crime across the country, TNGCA was horrified by the murder of eight people in metro Atlanta. The violent targeting of Asian women calls attention to deeply entrenched racism and sexism that continue to disrupt our communities.

We stand with the National Society of Genetic Counselors to firmly reject the messages of hate against Asian-Americans that have existed historically, and that have increased significantly during the COVID-19 pandemic. There is no place for those messages and beliefs in our society. TNGCA works with NSGC and the genetic counseling profession are striving for a more diverse and inclusive future.

These goals cannot be met without educating ourselves and taking action. Below are some resources that you may find useful. NSGC also has a collection of resources supporting racial and social justice that is regularly updated.

Anti-Asian Violence Resources

Stop AAPI Hate

Fight Covid Racism

We are distraught and angry in the face of continued racial violence in our country. We encourage our membership to use your resources to take anti-racist action in both your personal and professional lives. If you have resources you would like us to review for this list, please reach out to us using the contact form. Your TNGCA leadership is always available to answer any questions.
